MDvisualize Displays The Hundreds Of Pages Of The Entire Medical Course In An Easy-To-Understand Graph
See how well you are doing!
Identify the dates of critical notes reflecting changes in laboratory results, treatments or diagnoses.
Fast and accurate review of all the patient’s relevant medical information
See if interventions are effective
Understand how interventions affect the trend of the diseases
Observe relationships of treatments on all relevant laboratory and office parameters.
MDv display provides Intuitive, rapid review of the history. Trends are easily discerned. Potential problems are detected early. Effects of interventions are evident. Data not fitting the usual pattern is easily identified so it can be checked for accuracy.
The graph provides a more complete understanding of the patient’s disease -the relationship between interventions, disease control and impending complications. MDv helps you understand the value of the treatment.
In seconds, understand and see if treatment is effective.
Display the data you select for each patient on a customized, one-graph: laboratory data, office measurements and special tests, medication and diagnoses.
Labs can change the way they do tests. Different labs have different normal ranges. MDv makes adjustments so results are comparisons.
For each datapoint, hover over data point to get actual value with the date.
Select from MDv Parameter library what you wish to collect and follow on the patient. Parameters can be added or removed to satisfy your needs. Everyone uses the same defined scale for assessments.
Prioritize medications and diagnoses by importance. Group items for easier evaluation.
Correct medication start and stop dates, errors in laboratory results or office parameters.
Select what items to follow on each patient Select color and line-form for each item to your preference. Adjust the time scale.
Laboratory Data
MDv normalizes and plots multiple selected laboratory tests in one section. Trends in results are readily apparent. The value of any result is available by placing cursor over the data point.
Office Parameters
Plot any office measurement of special test result that can be quantified using a common scale
MDv displays all medications. Group the medications for better understanding of the disease treatment. Put the cursor over the medication to see the start date, schedule and dosage. Know when medications were started or stopped, dosages changed, and how it impacted the parameters of the disease.
MDv plots diagnoses from start to resolution. See if intervening illnesses impacted the disease of interest.